sobota, 13. junij 2015

Atari LYNX emulator

Atari Lynx je bila prva prenosna igralna konzola s dvema modeloma Lynx I in Lynx II. Prvi model je izšel daljnega leta 1989 in s svojo, za tiste čase izjemno strojno podprto barvno grafiko in strojno podprto mrežno možnost igranja odprl novo poglavje v prenosnih igralnih konzolah.

 Atari Lynx is a 16-bit handheld gameconsole that was released by Atari Corporation in October 1989.The Lynx was Atari's one and only handheld gaming system; originally known as "The Handy" and developed by a company called Epyx (who was already wellown for having released a plethora of popular games), Atari bought the rights to the system and released it in 1989. Believe it or not, it was the first handheld console with a color display. 

Youtube Atari Lynx

Atari Lynx emulator z igrami za prenos na vaš računalnik
Atari Lynx emulator with games for download

1=izbor/ Option
2=izbor 2/ Option 2
Q= odmor/ Pause
X=gumb A, Button A
Z=gumb B, Button B

  1. Atari Lynx emulator - Windows
  3. Prenesi in razširi vsebino na C:\, copy and extract the content to C:\
  4. Zagon programa je  v mapi 'AtariLynx, shortcut for start is in map ' Atari Lynx'
  5. Pot je/ Path: C:\Emulator\Atari\Atari VCS 2600-5200-7800-Jaguar\Atari Lynx

Apple MAC OSX version:
 3. Prenesi in razširi vsebino na poljubno mesto in razširi, copy and extract the 'both'content 
 4. Prenesi Windows verzijo za igre in ROM, Copy the Windows version for games and ROM

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