petek, 19. junij 2015

Atari ST/E emulator

Atari Is Shipping 520 ST Computer

Special to the New York Times
Published: July 10, 1985

SAN FRANCISCO, July 9— Atari Inc. has begun shipments of its 520 ST computer to distributors, a company official said. But it might take a week or so for the machines to reach dealers' shelves, according to James Copland, vice president of marketing, who added that Atari planned to ship ''well in excess of 25,000'' units in the next three or four weeks.

The machine's debut was originally scheduled for April. As late as last week, dealers were in the dark about when it would appear.

The 520 ST will sell for $800 with a monochrome monitor, 512,000 characters of internal memory, a 3.5-inch floppy disk drive as well as two computer languages, Basic and Logo. A version with a color monitor will sell for $1,000.

Inside the Atari 1040 STF

 Happy Birthday, Atari ST Series

 It may seem strange today, but there was a time when Atari made cutting-edge computers. That's right--the company sold modern computers with mice, MIDI inputs, hard drives, and high-resolution graphical user interfaces. Atari released the first member of this advanced computer series, the Atari520ST, 25 years ago.

To celebrate the anniversary of this often overlooked but still influential series of computers, let's take a peek inside the ST line's most prominent model, the Atari 1040STf. With 1MB of memory and a colorful interface, the 1040STf gave the Macintosh a run for its money.

Meet the 1040STf

Atari's first member of the ST line, the 520ST, relied on both an external power supply and a floppy drive. The 1040STf, shown here, integrated those two components into one case and upped the RAM to 1MB, launching for $999 in 1986 as a complete system with a base unit, a monochrome monitor, and a mouse.

The ST series ran a windowing system known as GEM (Graphical Environment Manager), developed by Digital Research. That, in turn, ran on top of an operating system called TOS (Total Operating System). But, as with a Mac, the user saw only a friendly graphical desktop--no command line here.

What Makes the ST Special

Just as the Macintosh platform quickly dominated the world of graphic design, the Atari ST found its strongest niche in music production. That's because Atari included two built-in MIDI ports with every ST shipped--a world first for mainstream PCs at the time.

MIDI allows electronic musical instruments to control one another, which meant that the ST could capture a performance, play it back, or generate a new one from scratch. Atari ST machines saw widespread use for audio-production work well into the late 1990s due to their stability and their excellent music software. A few studios still swear by them today.

Atari never fully utilized the ST's cartridge port (shown here), but third-party developers sometimes used it as a hardware expansion interface.

A Floppy View

The 1040STf shipped with a double-density, 720KB, 3.5-inch disk drive that--thanks to the similarities between the ST's underlying TOS operating system and MS-DOS--could read (but not write) IBM-format disks.

The last letter in the 1040STf name stands for "floppy," denoting the fact that the system shipped with a built-in floppy disk drive. Its predecessor, the 520ST, used an externally attached, 360KB, 3.5-inch floppy drive that increased cable clutter.

An Array of Ports

The 1040STf came equipped with an array of expansion ports along its right rear side. From left to right: a serial port (for use with modems), a parallel printer port, a hard-disk port, and an external-floppy-drive port (for a second floppy drive). The hard-disk port used the proprietary ACSI interface, an Atari-developed derivative of the common SCSI standard.


 ... poglejmo kaj smo podalpski narodi pisali o seriji Atari ST. 

Tako je revija 'Moj Mikro' pisala v novemberski številki, ne-davnega leta 1985 o računalniku Atari ST ...




 My Atari ST/E emulator Compilation is based on the Steem and Hatari engine.

STEEM: Atari 1040STFM only for Gaming with hundred's of Floppy images
               Atari STE with HDD for Gaming, Music and Demo's ...
HATARI: original virtual Replica of 16Mhz Atari Mega-STE with DMA-sound. Desktop experience version on Mono. More color and higher resolution are in progress ...
Atari Mega-ST with HDD for Desktop experience and App in Mono and resolution up to               1280*1024 res. on 32MHz CPU, 14-Mb-RAM, PSG sound.

sobota, 13. junij 2015

Atari Jaguar emulator

 Atari je vodil industrijo videoiger v poznih 70-ih in zgodnjih 80-ih. Toda ta prevlada je postala kmalu oddaljen spomin, ki ga v času Jaguarja leta 1993 ne srečamo več - Atari se v resnici nikoli ni opomogel od kolapsa igračarske industrije leta 1983, ki je skoraj uničilo domačo indutrijo viedoiger v Ameriki. Kljub temu, da je nova konzola tehnično v marsičem boljša  od svojih tekmecev in nekaj impresivno programske opreme iz Atarija, Jaguar se preprosto ni prodajal. Pomanjkanje podpore založnikov tretjih oseb, kot so Activision, Electronic Arts, ali Capcom so privedla do pomanjkanja novih naslovov  iger in Atari je moral bolj ali manj sprejeti poraz. To je bilo leta 1995, v času 'New Kids on the Block', konzole Sony PlayStation in Sega Saturn. Sicer je Jaguar tehnično zelo impresiven. Pet procesorjev prebivajo v treh čipov, dva izmed njih pa posebna (Tom in Jerry), s tretjo pa Motorola 68000 koprocesor. GPU teče na 26.591Mhz in je ocenjeno na 26,591 MIPS (milijonov navodil na sekundo), 64-bitno podatkovno vodilo za komunikacijo in dveh megabajtov hitro stran načinu DRAM.

 Atari led the video game industry in the late ’70s and early ’80s. But this dominance was a distant memory by the time of the Jaguar’s 1993 release — Atari never recovered from the Crash of 1983 that almost killed home gaming in America. Despite claims that its new console was technically superior to its rivals and some impressive software from Atari, the Jaguar simply didn’t sell. A lack of support from third-party publishers such as Activision, Electronic Arts, or Capcom led to an understocked games catalog, and Atari had more or less accepted defeat by the time the new kids on the block, the Sony PlayStation and Sega Saturn, released in 1995. Technically, the Jaguar was impressive. Five processors reside in three chips, two of them being proprietary (Tom and Jerry) with a third being a Motorola 68000 coprocessor. The GPU runs at 26.591Mhz and is rated at 26.591 MIPS (Millions of Instructions Per Second). There is a 64-bit data bus for communication and two megabytes of fast-page mode DRAM.

Atari Jaguar emulator z igrami za prenos na vaš računalnik
Atari Jaguar emulator with games for download

A=gumb A, Button A
B=gumb B, Button B
F=izbor, OPTION
Celozaslonski način Fullscreen= L-ALT+ENTER

Windows version
 1. Atari Jaguar emulator - Windows
 2. Prenesi in razširi vsebino na C:\, copy and extract the content to C:\
 3. Zagon rograma je v mapi 'Atari Jaguar', shortcut for start is in map 'Atari Jaguar'
 4. Pot je/ Path: C:\Emulator\Atari\Atari VCS 2600-5200-7800-Jaguar\Atari Jaguar
 5. Razpoložjivih je 35 iger, with 35 working games ,,,

Colecovision emulator

 ColecoVision je druga generacija hišnih video igralnih konzol, ki je izšel avgusta 1982. Konzola je ponujala skoraj arkadne zmogljivosti in kakovosti v grafiki in igranju, skupaj s dodatki za širitev osnovne strojne opreme sistema. Sistem je bil ob izidu ponujal 12 naslovov iger. Napovedanih nadaljnih 10 za 1982. Tako je bilo približno v celoti izdanih 145 naslovov v celoti, kot ROM kartice-Catridge med 1982 in 1984.

 The ColecoVision is Coleco Industries' second generation home video game console, which was released in August 1982. The ColecoVision offered near-arcade-quality graphics and gaming style along with the means to expand the system's basic hardware. Released with a catalog of 12 launch titles, with an additional 10 games announced for 1982, approximately 145 titles in total were published as ROM cartridges for the system between 1982 and 1984.

Windows version
 1. ColecoVision emulator - Windows 
 3. Prenesi in razširi vsebino na C:\, copy and extract the content to C:\
 4. Zagon programa je v mapi 'ColecoVision', shortcut for start is in map ' ColecoVision'
 5. Pot je/ Path: C:\Emulator\Atari\Coleco\ColecoVision

Atari VCS 7800

 Poslednji iz serije in družine 8-bitnih igralnih konzol Atari 7800. Sistem je naslednica Atari VCS 5200 konzole s preprostejšimi vmesniki, končno združljivostjo s VCS 2600 ter z novim grafičnim čipom, ki pa ga skoraj zares nobena igra ni podpirala, ker so bile vse v glavnem prenesene igre brez polepšav in prilagoditev za novo strojno opremo. Zvočne sposobnosti so bile malo slabše, kot pri starejšemu sistemi 5200. Konzola je zagledala luč sveta v začetku poletja leta 1984.

 The Atari 7800 ProSystem, or simply the Atari 7800, is a home video game console officially released by Atari Corporation in 1986. It had simple digital joysticks and was almost fully backward-compatible with the Atari 2600, the first console to have backward compatibility without the use of additional modules. The new awesome graphic chip was called Maria. The 7800 was initially released in southern California in June 1984.

 Atari VCS 7800 emulator z igrami za prenos na vaš računalnik
Atari VCS 7800 emulator with games for download

A= gumb A, Button A
B= gumb B, Button B
F3=izbor, Select
F4=odmor, Pause
F5=R težavnost, R Difficulty
F6=L težavnost, L Difficulty

 1. Atari 7800 emulator - Windows
 3. Prenesi in razširi vsebino na C:\, copy and extract the content to C:\
 4. Zagon programa je v mapi 'Atari VCS 7800', shortcut for start is in map ' Atari VCS 7800'
 5. Pot je/ Path: C:\Emulator\Atari\Atari VCS 2600-5200-7800-Jaguar\Atari VCS 7800

Atari LYNX emulator

Atari Lynx je bila prva prenosna igralna konzola s dvema modeloma Lynx I in Lynx II. Prvi model je izšel daljnega leta 1989 in s svojo, za tiste čase izjemno strojno podprto barvno grafiko in strojno podprto mrežno možnost igranja odprl novo poglavje v prenosnih igralnih konzolah.

 Atari Lynx is a 16-bit handheld gameconsole that was released by Atari Corporation in October 1989.The Lynx was Atari's one and only handheld gaming system; originally known as "The Handy" and developed by a company called Epyx (who was already wellown for having released a plethora of popular games), Atari bought the rights to the system and released it in 1989. Believe it or not, it was the first handheld console with a color display. 

Youtube Atari Lynx

Atari Lynx emulator z igrami za prenos na vaš računalnik
Atari Lynx emulator with games for download

1=izbor/ Option
2=izbor 2/ Option 2
Q= odmor/ Pause
X=gumb A, Button A
Z=gumb B, Button B

  1. Atari Lynx emulator - Windows
  3. Prenesi in razširi vsebino na C:\, copy and extract the content to C:\
  4. Zagon programa je  v mapi 'AtariLynx, shortcut for start is in map ' Atari Lynx'
  5. Pot je/ Path: C:\Emulator\Atari\Atari VCS 2600-5200-7800-Jaguar\Atari Lynx

Apple MAC OSX version:
 3. Prenesi in razširi vsebino na poljubno mesto in razširi, copy and extract the 'both'content 
 4. Prenesi Windows verzijo za igre in ROM, Copy the Windows version for games and ROM

petek, 12. junij 2015

Atari VCS 2600 emulator

 Atari 2600 prvotno imenovan Atari VCS, je boter sodobnih igralnih konzol, prodan v več, kot trideset milijonov kosov in skupaj z drugimi podjetji na stotine milijonov iger. Kartuše za sistem so bili proizvedeni v treh desetletjih. Konzola je bila predstavljena javnosti 11. Septembra 1977 in leta dominirala trgu. Bila je ena prvih konzol s vstavljimi karticami ROM-Catridge.

In the early 1970’s, video arcade games gained commercial success for the first time. The American public was introduced to Pong, Tank, and other interactive video games which populated amusement parks, bars, and arcades. The games were successful enough to create interest for home versions, so in 1975 Atari released Home Pong and it was a smash hit. Other companies such as Magnavox and Coleco followed suit and released their own dedicated console games. Then in 1976, Fairchild Camera and Instrument introduced the Channel Fsystem, the first cartridge based home video game system. The industry recognized that cartridge systems were the future of video gaming, and began development in that direction. In January 1977, RCA released the Studio II, another cartridge based system, although it only projected in black and white and seemed to be focused on educational titles. Then, on September 11, 1977, the Atari VCS (Video Computer System), th an initial offering of 9 games. Atari sold over thirty million of the consoles, and together with other companies sold hundreds of millions of games. Cartridges for the system were produced across three decades, and there are still new games being produced today. But it almost didn't happen.

 Atari VCS 2600 emulator z igrami za prenos na vaš računalnik
Atari VCS 2600 emulator with games for download

F1=Vklop/Izklop On/Off
F2= ČB/Barva BW/Color
F4=P1 začetnik/izkušen Novice/Expert
F5=naloži kartico/ load Catridge
F6=F5 Internet
F9=P2 začetnik/izkušen Novice/Expert
F11=vrsta igre/Select
F12=ponovni zagon/Reset
SPC, DEL=strel/Firel
X=desni gumb/right Button
Celozaslonski način Fullscreen= L-ALT+ENTER
Zaslon/Screen=ALT+R, ALT+V, ALT+T

Univerzalna 'Java Script' verzija s večigralsko spletno podporo za vse sisteme, računalnike in telefone ...
Universal 'Java Script' Version with Internet Multiplayer support for  all Systems, Computer's, Tablet's and Phone's

 1. Atari 2600 emulator - Universale
2. Namestiti je potrebno Javo, you need Java for this emulator.
 3. Prenesi in razširi vsebino na C:\, copy and extract the content to C:\
 4. Zagon programa je v mapi 'Atari VCS 2600', shortcut for start is in map ' Atari VCS 2600'
 5. Pot je/ Path: C:\Emulator\Atari\Atari VCS 2600-5200-7800-Jaguar\Atari VCS 2600

Atari VCS 5200 emulator

Atari VCS 5200, igralna konzola iz leta 1982, kot logičen korak podjetja Atari, ki je razvilo naslednika že rahlo zastarelega VCS 2600 iz leta 1976. Čeprav se konzola, navkljub izjemni strojni opremi, ki je bila sorodna računalnikom Atari 400/800 modelom ni ravno uspela množično tržiti, kot VCS 2600,  je navkljub ponudba vseeno eksotična napram konkurenčnim konzolam, kot npr. Intellivision.

 Game console made 1982 as a logical step from the company Atari, which Atari developed as a successor to the already slightly outdated VCS 2600 from 1976. Although the console, despite the extra hardware capability that has been associated from the computer Atari 400/800 line, was not exactly success to mass market but was still a  tender with exotic hardware.

Atari VCS 5200 emulator z igrami za prenos na vaš računalnik
Atari VCS 5200 emulator with games for download

Y=levi gumb/left Button
X=desni gumb/right Button
Celozaslonski način Fullscreen= L-ALT+ENTER

Windows version
 1. Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package
 2. Atari 5200 emulator - Windows (click download button)
 3. Prenesi in razširi vsebino na C:\, copy and extract the content to C:\
 4. Zagon programa je v mapi 'Atari VCS 5200', shortcut for start is in map ' Atari VCS 5200'
 5. Pot je/ Path: C:\Emulator\Atari\Atari VCS 2600-5200-7800-Jaguar\Atari VCS 5200

Linux version
 1. Atari 5200 emulator - Linux
 2. Prenesite Windows verzijo za ROM in BIOS / download Windows version for ROM and BIOS
 3: Copy to Home folder and configure ...

ponedeljek, 8. junij 2015

Apple Macintosh emulator

 Računalnike podjetja Apple danes marsikdo pozna. Podjetje je že zgodaj, ob cvetu mikroračunalniške revolucije postopalo s svojimi modeli in osvajalo občinstvo. Njihovi računalniki so bili tako, kot danes zelo kvaliteten in zanesljiv izbor,  Za začetek bom predstavil Apple Macintosh emulator, katerega si lahko iz mojega računa presnamete na računalnik. Posnema se model Quadra 900 na Motorolinem 040 procesorju in operacijski sistem 8.1 iz leta 1997. Program, ki emulira se imenuje Bassilisk 2 in je eden najbolj izvirnih emulatorjev, ki z odliko opravi nalogo in vas resnični popelje 25 let v zgodovino. Lahko se vidi, da se marsikaj  ni spremenilo. V sistemu je nameščenih zelo veliko programov in iger. Čas, ki sem ga vložil v navidezni remake ni zanemarljiv in je tudi moj osebni največji podvig, ki je zahteval nekaj sto ur dela. Emulator je na mojem prenosniku, kjer razvijam kompilacijo in je po izmeritvah v povprečju 10 krat hitrejši od originalne izvedbe.  Program doseže na mojem računalniku 300Mhz hitro Quadra 900. Original ima 25MHz. Ves sistem je zelo prožen in hiter ter daje občutek sodobne uporabnosti. Programi se zelo hitro izvajajo. Za primer lahko navedem, da so nekatere funkcije, ki sem jih uporabljal v grafičnem programu Photoshop 4, hitrejše, kot pa dandanašnji grafični program GIMP, ki ga uporabljam v oknih Windows 7. Podatek nakazuje kako so danes programi in/ali opercijski sistemi obremenjeni s programsko kodo ...

 Many people now today about Apple Computer's..The Company from the early year's of The Microrevolution era, from the time of the Microcomputer Power Flower Day's.Their Computers were just as today, high-quality and reliable from Beginner's to the End-user's. It emulate's one of the early 040 Macintosh model, the Quadra 900 with Motorola 040/25MHz processor and 'MAC' OS v 8.1, from 1997. The program is called Bassilisk 2 and is one of the most original and outstanding emulator, which can carry the task for you today. You can see that not everything has changed during the timeperiod. The system is installed with many programs, games and more. The time i invested in this spec. virtual remake demanded hundreds of hours of work. The Emulator on my Laptop, where I Develop the Compilation is on average of 10 times faster than the original hardware, filesystem is 18-time's faster. The program reaches on my computer aprox. 300MHz Quadra 900. The whole system is very flexible and rapid and gives a feeling of contemporary functionality. Programs are carried out very quickly. For example, some features that i use in emulator with Photoshop 4 are faster than in my GIMP, which i use 'mostly' in  Windows 7. This indicates how today programs or OS are burned with Software code ...

MAC OS 8.1 Desktop (namizje)

Everything you need, vse kar se potrebuje

Play Game's, igranje iger

Emulator's, emulatorji

Internet & Gmail

Music, glasba

...more Games, več iger

Photoshop, grafična obdelava slik


DTP, namizno žaložništvo

Print System, tiskanje, skoraj, kot običajno

Read my comment's for further detail's about emulator

Windows version (slovensko)
 2. Apple Macintosh Quadra 900 emulacija, če vam ne dela slednja verzija poskusite z naslednjo:
     Apple Macintosh Quadra 900 druga verzija.
 3. Odprite arhiv in razširite mapo 'Emulator' na C:\. Open the archive and copy 'Emulator' to C:\
 4. Zagon programa je v mapi 'Apple Macintosh Quadra 900'
 5. Pot je/ Path: C:\Emulator\Apple\Macintosh 68K\Apple Macintosh Quadra 900
 6.  Če želite imeti podporo za CD/DVD potem prekopirajte datoteko 'cdenable.sys', ki se nahaja 'C:\Emulator\Apple\Macintosh 68K\Apple Macintosh Quadra 900\CD-ROM drivers' v sistemski imenik 'System32', v mapi Windows, običajno C:\Windows\System32. Nato zaženite Bassilsik2GUI in pod zavihek 'Volumes' nastavite pot vašega CD/DVD pogona. Pogon lahko tudi, navkljub nameščenega gonilnika izklopite ali vklopite s kljukco.

Windows version (english)
  2. Apple Macintosh Quadra 900 emulation, if this version does not work try the following:
      Apple Macintosh Quadra other version.
  3. Expand the contents to C: \
  4. The path is C:\Emulator\Apple\Macintosh 68K\Apple Macintosh Quadra 900
  5. If you want to have support for CD/DVD then copy the file 'cdenable.sys', which is located in C:\Emulator\Apple\Macintosh 68K\Apple Macintosh Quadra 900\CD-ROM drivers in the system directory "System32" in Windows folder, usually C:\Windows\ System32. Then run Bassilsik2GUI and under the Tab "Volumes" set the path of your CD/ VD drive. 

MacOS X version(english)
 2. Download my Windows Compilation and use the disk image's and/or ROM file.

OpenSUSE and Debian build 64
 2. Download my Windows Compilation and use the disk image's and/or ROM file.

nedelja, 7. junij 2015

Kratek uvod v emulacije računalnikov ali sistemov

 Priznam. Včasih je bilo računalništvo veliko bolj zabavno, kot danes. Bilo je preprosto. Duh Pionirstva je nosilo svoj naboj, pot učenja, spoznavanja in odprtosti, ki je izginilo v množici potrošništva. Bila je kot knjiga, ki se je brala in so jo vsi vzljubili. Izgleda, kot da ni več pravega diha ali zagona, zanimanje je bilo njeno vodilo.  Danes lahko vsaj malo 'obudimo' pionirski duh njenega značaja s programsko opremo, ki oponaša stare računalnike in sisteme. Eksotičnost izbora slednjih je bolj pester, kot nove izdaje ali nadgradnje sedanjih operacijskih sistemov.

 Emulatorji so razumna poteza zanesenjakov, ki želijo na sodobni računalniški opremi s izjemnimi programskimi pristopi oponašati računalnike ali sisteme starejših generacij do nekaj desetletij nazaj. Programska umetnost za izvajanje tovrstnih želja je poznavanje do potankosti strojne opreme računalnika, lastnosti in vedenja ter lastnosti slehernih integriranih vezij. Danes je na razpolago čedalje več restavracijskih oprijemov, baza znanja in pridobljenosti se veča in širi. Emulatorji so zanimiv korak v restavriranje v navidezni obliki, programski. Emulatorji in zanesenjaki, ki za njimi stojijo so velikokrat navdih tudi elektronskim računalniškim zanesenjakom, včasih tudi trgom in nišam. Marsikateri navdih iz emulatorjev je zagledal luč sveta v ponovni izgradnji starih modelov s sodobnejšimi vezji: Slednja elektronska rešitev se imenuje FPGA rešitev, ki omogoča programiranje in oponašanje vezij s katerimi lahko potem oblikujejo pravi remake, ki deluje tako, kot starejši izpred leti ali destletji. Navdiha in zanesenjakov je veliko, velikokrat predvsem ljubiteljsko. Pridobljeno znanje pa streže nadaljnim razvoju trga, niše ali pa kariere. Pored emuliranja oz. oponašanje računalnikov in njihovih vezij je mogoče tudi malo lažje oponašati operacijske sisteme, ki še zmorejo brez pretežnih globoih in zahtevnih programskih posegov, v ustaljenih okvirjih posnemati računališka okolja ali sisteme. Dober primer je DOSBOX, ki posnema stare računalnike PC 8086, 80286, 80386, 80486 ter celo že prve generacije Pentium, ali pa Virtual PC in podobne rešitve, ki ravnotako omogočajo posnemanje starejših sistemov, kot npr. Windows XP, Windows 98, itd. V zadnjem desetletju, morda malo več, se je zelo strokovno uvedlo novo področje posnemanja z imenom Virtualizacija. Virtualizacija ravnotako posnema oz, omogoča, da na enem operacijskem sistemu izvajajo več navideznih sistemov. Danes so celo procesorsko podprti, kar omogoča višje hitrosti. Virtualizacija je danes največja programska rešitev za navidezne strežnike, ki omogočajo običajno boljšo zanesljivost. Na enem računalniku je lahko tudi do nekaj deset navideznih sistemov, ki jih izvajajo strežniki. V  Blogu se ne bom spuščal v virtualizacijo, ker je to zelo široko tržna in predvsem suhoparna za običajne uporabnike. Seveda lako vsakdo na svoj računalnik namesti program za virtualizacijo in posname kakšen starejši sistem. Razlog za odločitev je lahko morda kakšen program, ki ne dela v novejšem sistemu ali pa samo iz nostalgije ali radovednosti. Zanimivost emulatorjev je predvsem v njihovi pestri živahnosti in zabavnosti. Pored emualtorjev, ki se jih namešča na računalnik so na voljo tudi spletni emulatorji, ki delujejo v brskalniku s obiskom na njihov spletni naslov. Rešitev je seveda počasejša v primerjavi s namešenimi, kažejo pa vsaj za vzorec podobo starega računalniškega sveta. Igranje 35 let starih iger ali pa poslušanje elektronskega brščanja in psikanja je lahko včasih tudi zelo zabavno, velikokrat bolje, kot najnovejše supergrafične virtualne stvaritve v navideznem 3D svetu.Seveda niso emulatorji samo za zabavo, marsikdo ga bolj resno uporablja in/ali ustvarja nove programe. Nadebudneži s neprespanimi nočmi.

Za pokušino spletni emulator, ki deluje v brskalniku. Emulira se računalnik Apple II

Vsem radovednežem Radevolje prisluhnem, kot starec, ki pripoveduje zgodbe svojim otrokom ...     Lp, Marjan Mencin

Levo je original, desno pa replika  34-let starega hišnega računalnika ZX-81