Many people now today about Apple Computer's..The Company from the early year's of The Microrevolution era, from the time of the Microcomputer Power Flower Day's.Their Computers were just as today, high-quality and reliable from Beginner's to the End-user's. It emulate's one of the early 040 Macintosh model, the Quadra 900 with Motorola 040/25MHz processor and 'MAC' OS v 8.1, from 1997. The program is called Bassilisk 2 and is one of the most original and outstanding emulator, which can carry the task for you today. You can see that not everything has changed during the timeperiod. The system is installed with many programs, games and more. The time i invested in this spec. virtual remake demanded hundreds of hours of work. The Emulator on my Laptop, where I Develop the Compilation is on average of 10 times faster than the original hardware, filesystem is 18-time's faster. The program reaches on my computer aprox. 300MHz Quadra 900. The whole system is very flexible and rapid and gives a feeling of contemporary functionality. Programs are carried out very quickly. For example, some features that i use in emulator with Photoshop 4 are faster than in my GIMP, which i use 'mostly' in Windows 7. This indicates how today programs or OS are burned with Software code ...
MAC OS 8.1 Desktop (namizje)
Everything you need, vse kar se potrebuje
Play Game's, igranje iger
Emulator's, emulatorji
Internet & Gmail
Music, glasba
...more Games, več iger
Photoshop, grafična obdelava slik
DTP, namizno žaložništvo
Print System, tiskanje, skoraj, kot običajno
Read my comment's for further detail's about emulator
Windows version (slovensko)
2. Apple Macintosh Quadra 900 emulacija, če vam ne dela slednja verzija poskusite z naslednjo:
Apple Macintosh Quadra 900 druga verzija.
Apple Macintosh Quadra 900 druga verzija.
3. Odprite arhiv in razširite mapo 'Emulator' na C:\. Open the archive and copy 'Emulator' to C:\
4. Zagon programa je v mapi 'Apple Macintosh Quadra 900'
5. Pot je/ Path: C:\Emulator\Apple\Macintosh 68K\Apple Macintosh Quadra 900
6. Če želite imeti podporo za CD/DVD potem prekopirajte datoteko 'cdenable.sys', ki se nahaja 'C:\Emulator\Apple\Macintosh 68K\Apple Macintosh Quadra 900\CD-ROM drivers' v sistemski imenik 'System32', v mapi Windows, običajno C:\Windows\System32. Nato zaženite Bassilsik2GUI in pod zavihek 'Volumes' nastavite pot vašega CD/DVD pogona. Pogon lahko tudi, navkljub nameščenega gonilnika izklopite ali vklopite s kljukco.
Windows version (english)
2. Apple Macintosh Quadra 900 emulation, if this version does not work try the following:
Apple Macintosh Quadra other version.
3. Expand the contents to C: \
Apple Macintosh Quadra other version.
3. Expand the contents to C: \
4. The path is C:\Emulator\Apple\Macintosh 68K\Apple Macintosh Quadra 900
5. If you want to have support for CD/DVD then copy the file 'cdenable.sys', which is located in C:\Emulator\Apple\Macintosh 68K\Apple Macintosh Quadra 900\CD-ROM drivers in the system directory "System32" in Windows folder, usually C:\Windows\ System32. Then run Bassilsik2GUI and under the Tab "Volumes" set the path of your CD/ VD drive.
MacOS X version(english)
2. Download my Windows Compilation and use the disk image's and/or ROM file.
OpenSUSE and Debian build 64
2. Download my Windows Compilation and use the disk image's and/or ROM file.
The idea for this compilation was started several years ago and now almost completed on a laptop Dell Studio XPS 1340 with Intel C2D 2,2MHz, 4GB-RAM.
OdgovoriIzbrišiAfter that almost prepared Atari Falcon 030 with (single TOS, Geneva and Atari MultiTos) and (MINT).
OdgovoriIzbrišiAtari Mega-STE is almost ready and working.
OdgovoriIzbrišiSharing for Fun. Donations are welcome to ...
OdgovoriIzbrišiMarjan Mencin
Gabrijele 53
8296 Krmelj
... for lovers , beginners , enthusiasts , teachers and students
OdgovoriIzbrišiEmulator trenutno še nima nameščenih slovenskih šumnikov oz. slovensko/srbohrvaške fonte.
OdgovoriIzbrišiKako z emulatorjem na internet?
OdgovoriIzbrišiPojdite v mapo emulatorja Basilisk. Tam se nahaja program Bassilsik2GUI. Zaženite ga in pojdite v zavihek 'Network'. Izberite možnost 'Bassilisk 2 Router'. FTP ports naj bo '21'. V spodnjem in zadnjem vnosnem polju vnesete DNS naslov svojega modema. DNS naslov je shranjen v modemu s katerim se povežete na internet. Ne objavljajte svoj DNS na internetu ... Pojdite k modemu. Na spodnji hrbtni strani običajno piše naslov IP za dostop do vašega modema ali pa pokličete svojega operaterja. Naslov IP modema vpišete v brkalnik. Če za vstop zahteva uporabniško ime in geslo sta oba običajkno enaka. Standard je 'user' ali 'admin' za uporabnika in geslo. V kolikor je drugače obiščite slednjo spletno stran ali pa pokličete ponudnika vaših storitev.
V kolikor ste uspeli priti v modem lahko že na začetku preberete DNS naslov. Včasih piše, kot DNS 0 etc. Ne spreminjajte nobenih nastavitev, v kolikor ste ponesreči potem resterirajte modem. Sedaj DNS naslov vpišete v na nažetku omenjeno vnosno polje in kliknite gumb Start. Emulator se zažene, kot običajno. V skarjnem levem meniju so pripomočki. Kliknite 'Control Panels' in 'TCP/IP'. Odpre se vam novo okno. Izberite 'Connect via: Ethernet', 'Configure Mannualy', IP-Adress naj bo 192.168,0,4, Subnetmask ', Router
adress je IP vašega modema na hrbtni strani, Name server adr. je DNS vašega modema.
Lp, Marjan Mencin
Bassilisk and Internet
OdgovoriIzbrišiGo to the folder emulator Basilisk. There is a program called Bassilsik2GUI. Launch it and go to the tab 'Network'. Select option '2 Bassilisk Router'. FTP ports should be '21'. In the bottom and rear input field enter the DNS address of your modem. DNS address is saved in the modem with which you connect to the Internet. Do not post your DNS on the Internet ... Go to the modem. At the bottom of the back normally writes the IP address to access your modem or dial your operator. The IP address of the modem enter into Browser. If required to enter a user name and password are mostly both same. Standard is a 'user' or 'admin' for the user and password. If not, visit this website or call your service provider.
If you managed to get into the modem, u can now read at the firts appereance the DNS address. Sometimes it is written as DNS 0 etc. Do not change any settings, if so then Reset your modem/router. Now enter the DNS address in Bassilisk Settings and click the Start button. The emulator runs as usual. In the first left menu click "Control Panels" and "TCP / IP". It opens you a new window. Select 'Connect via: Ethernet', 'Configure Mannualy', IP-Adress 192.168,0,4, SubnetMask ', Your modem IP adress -from the backside of the modem, Name server adr.DNS from your modem.
ICab is the default Browser.
OdgovoriIzbrišiKoliko spomina naj nastavim za Bassilisk emualtor? Najmanj 1/8 kolikor ga ima računalnik in največ polovico kolikor ga ima računalnik.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHow much memory do I set for Bassilisk emulator? At least 1/8 of your computer memory and max. 1/2 of your computer memory.
OdgovoriIzbrišiAli je lahko emualtor še hitrejši? Ja, lahko je pojdite v program za nastavitev emulatorja 'Bassilsik2GUI' in v zavihku 'JIT Compiler' označite kljukico 'Enable JIT Compiler'. S to metodo so nekater operacije hitrejše, obstaja pa možnost, da postane MAC-OS manj stabile. Sami preizkusite kaj vam bolje leži. Kompatibilnost in stabilnost je običajno prvo pravilo ...
OdgovoriIzbrišiCan by Bassilisk emilator be 'even' faster? Yes, you can go to the Setup 'Bassilsik2GUI' and under the Tabsection click "JIT Compiler ', click 'Enable JIT Compiler". With this method, some operations be faster or much faster, but there is the possibility that MAC-OS becomes less Stable. Compatibility and stability is mainly in the first place ...
OdgovoriIzbrišiWhat you Think?
OdgovoriIzbrišiMoja kompilacija trenutno še nima slovenskih šumnikov. Delam na tem ...
OdgovoriIzbrišiKako lahko uporabljam datoteke izven Bassilsik emulatorja?
OdgovoriIzbrišiIkona s pogonom imenovan 'Computer' ali 'My Computer' je dostop do vašega sistema Windows ali Mac. Ne poskušajte uporabljati nesporedni zagon datotek ali programov izven Bassislik okolja. Povprej jih prenesete na navidezni disk MAC OSa in uporabljajte.
How can I use files outside Bassilisk emulator?
OdgovoriIzbrišiIcon drive called 'Computer' or 'My Computer' has access to your Windows or Mac. Do not try to start programms or file outside Bassislik environment. Copy every file to virtual HDD and use it in usually way..
kako lahko ustvarim večje diske za Bassilisk?
OdgovoriIzbrišiV konfiguracijskem programu 'Bassilisk2GUI' odprite zavihek 'Volumes', kliknite 'Create', v 'Size (MB) vnesete velikost diska ter ime navideznega diska.
How can I create a new Virtual-HDD in Bassilisk? Start the Configuration-tool "Bassilisk2GUI 'open Tab' Volumes ', click' Create ', enter the Disk size in 'Size (MB)' and name the HDD.